Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spring time colds = TEH SUCK, but ...

OK so ya ... I guess its not spring time now since we are past Memorial day and the official start of summer. I dodged all of the really nasty colds and junk that had been going around not only at the office but also at home. I think my family was sick two times were I dodged the bullet, but alas ... I have been strickin' by some sort of nasty sinus thing.

I started out the day with a nasty drippy soggy nose, sore throat. Went to work and one of my cubicle mates Grandpa Rick :) hooked me up with Zicam and a dose of airborne of which I felt pretty good a little while later, but then this garbage hit me like a brick. Came home early just after lunch and slept the afternoon away.

I have always had this fascination with neti pots and if they actually work or not. I came across a gal that had a video post about using one for the first time, did a quick search on Walgreens and sent Manda up to get me one.

The experience? WEIRD! Like Dr Who wierd, Im not even sure what is weirder than Dr Who, but if there is something ya that would be it. I will say this, I feel TONS better after cleansing my sinuses hehe ... the head-ache/pressure is gone and Im not blowing my nose every five minutes. I have also stopped sneezing ... interesting observation I just realized.

So lesson of the day? Dont be freaky deaky about natural remedies.

- Im a little neti pot short and stout, hear is my handle, hear is my booger cleanser


Thursday, May 21, 2009

My kids rock!

OK so ya every parent says that their kids rock for one reason or another, but here is why my kids RIZOCK THE HIZOUSE!

They have been extremely obedient lately (or so it seems) when we ask them to do something around the house. Granted there is dilly-dallying by the King Dilly Dallier himself AKA Eli, but for the most part there has been a blessed presence around the house. So anyways ... why the kiddos rock ... you know those cool little seeds that twirl down to the ground ... the ones that as a kid were so fun to throw up in the air and watch them "helicopter" to the ground? How many adults out there still find these things amusing? We have three of these trees in a row up our street starting at the neighbor to the north of us. For some reason this year, they (the trees) seem to have produced four to five times the amount of seedlings than normal. Last week I mowed and swept all of these bleepity things up off of the driveway. Had things looking GREAT(or as great as our yard can look) and I got back from the Heartland mens retreat this past Saturday(WHICH ROCKED!!!!) ... well lets just say that there was three times the amount on the ground then the first time I tidy'ed up. OOH JEESH this post is getting stupidly long ...

Praise the KIDDOS!!! So tonight I am working in the yard and I draft the kids help in picking up helicopter seeds from around the plants and in the front were we planted some things. Now normally you would probably expect to hear grumbling, complaining, using the bathroom fifty times, seventy-five drinks of water, etc ... :)

NOPE! The kids did a great job tonight .. its not perfect but it looks TONS better than what it did. Yep ... my kids 8 and 6 yrs old ... helping dad out in the yard picking up stupid helicopter seeds and they did it almost cheerfully.

Thank you Jesus for the great kids you have blessed Manda and me with. I love you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring time ... I love it

Yep .. I love spring. Its busy with alot of birthdays, but I love it. From Easter to three of our immediate family's birthdays. Eli - 4/9, mine - 4/30, and Mandas - 5/8. Tie in all of that celebration and a wondrous little gift from God. Its sometimes yellow, sometimes grey, sometimes white. It resembles a sponge and grows from out of the ground. ITS FUNGUS!!!! YAAAY FUNGUS!!! :)

Aaah the morel mushroom, a sure sign that mothers day is close and that you are in for a real treat. If you like mushrooms that is.

So here are some steps to joyful glee and a happy tummy.

1. Go trudge around in the forest and if your lucky come home with something that looks like this.

2. Rinse and half.

3. Grab a stick of butter (YEP THE WHOLE STICK YOU FAT FEARING WIERDOS OUT THERE), dust the little nuggets of goodness with flour, and fry your heart out. :)

Dig in and enjoy. :)

Thats all for now peeps ... happy hunting.