Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spring time colds = TEH SUCK, but ...

OK so ya ... I guess its not spring time now since we are past Memorial day and the official start of summer. I dodged all of the really nasty colds and junk that had been going around not only at the office but also at home. I think my family was sick two times were I dodged the bullet, but alas ... I have been strickin' by some sort of nasty sinus thing.

I started out the day with a nasty drippy soggy nose, sore throat. Went to work and one of my cubicle mates Grandpa Rick :) hooked me up with Zicam and a dose of airborne of which I felt pretty good a little while later, but then this garbage hit me like a brick. Came home early just after lunch and slept the afternoon away.

I have always had this fascination with neti pots and if they actually work or not. I came across a gal that had a video post about using one for the first time, did a quick search on Walgreens and sent Manda up to get me one.

The experience? WEIRD! Like Dr Who wierd, Im not even sure what is weirder than Dr Who, but if there is something ya that would be it. I will say this, I feel TONS better after cleansing my sinuses hehe ... the head-ache/pressure is gone and Im not blowing my nose every five minutes. I have also stopped sneezing ... interesting observation I just realized.

So lesson of the day? Dont be freaky deaky about natural remedies.

- Im a little neti pot short and stout, hear is my handle, hear is my booger cleanser



TheiaT said...

Glad to have been helpful! Good luck with your neti pot! Thanks for visiting my blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Neti pot? I must google and figure out what the heck that is. Never heard of it before....

Have fun on vaca!!!