Sunday, July 26, 2009

Conversations of a six year old Eli ... :)

On the way home from dinner Eli rode with me in the Jeep, while Manda and Madeline went to Walmart. Here is my best recollection of a hilarious conversation.

Eli: Dad? Do you know what my favorite animal is?
Dad: What Eli?
Eli: A sabertooth tiger, I wish I had one.
Dad: Why Eli?
Eli: Because their fangs are so big, there cool
Dad: Ya know Eli, a sabertooth tiger would eat you
Eli: Not if I had a bee-bee gun.
Dad: Dude a bee-bee gun is not going to hurt a sabertooth tiger
Eli: Would a rocket-gun hurt a tiger?
Dad: Probably so ... yes
Eli: Dad? Are you strong enough to pick up a rocket?
Dad: Depends on the rocket
Eli: Dad? Would a fighter jet be able to hurt a sabertooth tiger? A fighter jet with rockets?
Dad: Yes Im sure it could
Eli: Dad? Are you strong enough to lift a rocket from a figher jet?

Pulling into the driveway I think to myself ... I love my son, not because he wants to blow up a sabertooth tiger with a rocket from a figher-jet ... well maybe thats part of it. :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spring time colds = TEH SUCK, but ...

OK so ya ... I guess its not spring time now since we are past Memorial day and the official start of summer. I dodged all of the really nasty colds and junk that had been going around not only at the office but also at home. I think my family was sick two times were I dodged the bullet, but alas ... I have been strickin' by some sort of nasty sinus thing.

I started out the day with a nasty drippy soggy nose, sore throat. Went to work and one of my cubicle mates Grandpa Rick :) hooked me up with Zicam and a dose of airborne of which I felt pretty good a little while later, but then this garbage hit me like a brick. Came home early just after lunch and slept the afternoon away.

I have always had this fascination with neti pots and if they actually work or not. I came across a gal that had a video post about using one for the first time, did a quick search on Walgreens and sent Manda up to get me one.

The experience? WEIRD! Like Dr Who wierd, Im not even sure what is weirder than Dr Who, but if there is something ya that would be it. I will say this, I feel TONS better after cleansing my sinuses hehe ... the head-ache/pressure is gone and Im not blowing my nose every five minutes. I have also stopped sneezing ... interesting observation I just realized.

So lesson of the day? Dont be freaky deaky about natural remedies.

- Im a little neti pot short and stout, hear is my handle, hear is my booger cleanser


Thursday, May 21, 2009

My kids rock!

OK so ya every parent says that their kids rock for one reason or another, but here is why my kids RIZOCK THE HIZOUSE!

They have been extremely obedient lately (or so it seems) when we ask them to do something around the house. Granted there is dilly-dallying by the King Dilly Dallier himself AKA Eli, but for the most part there has been a blessed presence around the house. So anyways ... why the kiddos rock ... you know those cool little seeds that twirl down to the ground ... the ones that as a kid were so fun to throw up in the air and watch them "helicopter" to the ground? How many adults out there still find these things amusing? We have three of these trees in a row up our street starting at the neighbor to the north of us. For some reason this year, they (the trees) seem to have produced four to five times the amount of seedlings than normal. Last week I mowed and swept all of these bleepity things up off of the driveway. Had things looking GREAT(or as great as our yard can look) and I got back from the Heartland mens retreat this past Saturday(WHICH ROCKED!!!!) ... well lets just say that there was three times the amount on the ground then the first time I tidy'ed up. OOH JEESH this post is getting stupidly long ...

Praise the KIDDOS!!! So tonight I am working in the yard and I draft the kids help in picking up helicopter seeds from around the plants and in the front were we planted some things. Now normally you would probably expect to hear grumbling, complaining, using the bathroom fifty times, seventy-five drinks of water, etc ... :)

NOPE! The kids did a great job tonight .. its not perfect but it looks TONS better than what it did. Yep ... my kids 8 and 6 yrs old ... helping dad out in the yard picking up stupid helicopter seeds and they did it almost cheerfully.

Thank you Jesus for the great kids you have blessed Manda and me with. I love you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring time ... I love it

Yep .. I love spring. Its busy with alot of birthdays, but I love it. From Easter to three of our immediate family's birthdays. Eli - 4/9, mine - 4/30, and Mandas - 5/8. Tie in all of that celebration and a wondrous little gift from God. Its sometimes yellow, sometimes grey, sometimes white. It resembles a sponge and grows from out of the ground. ITS FUNGUS!!!! YAAAY FUNGUS!!! :)

Aaah the morel mushroom, a sure sign that mothers day is close and that you are in for a real treat. If you like mushrooms that is.

So here are some steps to joyful glee and a happy tummy.

1. Go trudge around in the forest and if your lucky come home with something that looks like this.

2. Rinse and half.

3. Grab a stick of butter (YEP THE WHOLE STICK YOU FAT FEARING WIERDOS OUT THERE), dust the little nuggets of goodness with flour, and fry your heart out. :)

Dig in and enjoy. :)

Thats all for now peeps ... happy hunting.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Take me out to the ball game ...

Oh my word ... Eli age 5(almost 6) is now signed up and to be playing Tee-ball this year. Manda and I have talked about it the past couple of years and Eli has recently expressed wanting to play some ball. So here we are, signed up, and ready for our first meeting. So on Saturday we are heading over to scheels to pick up a few items of "necessity". Some swanky baseball pants, cleats, and maybe a new glove and bat. Oh theres no probably to it ... we will be sucked into the whole dealio. Eli will probably walk out of the store decked out with batting gloves to boot.

Oh heres the killer piece of this post ... so I headed over to to check out tips and such for the new adventure we are about to embark on. Ill just post a screenshot so you can see how absurd such a pure and American classic such as baseball has become. What the crock?!!! Its freaking little league people.

Yep ... you are seeing correctly. Evidently there are some parents out there that give their 8-10 year old steroids for the leg up on the rest of the kids. Freaking sick man ... sick.

Monday, March 9, 2009


... the blessings my saviour continues to bestow on my life
... the sight of our 8 year old daughter dancing with reckless abandon during worship
... the relentless prayer for those in our family and those we dont even know from our 5 year old son
... the persistence of my gorgeous wife to work out and choose healthier eating habits(if only I had her drive)
... the delight and favor of God for me, his son
... the pursuit and the chasing of my heart by a loving and heavenly Daddy

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WHEW ... been a long time

Shiza ... its been a month and a half since I have posted. Granted the last two were quite meaty in length and maybe TMI ... but it is what it is.

Not a whole lot to share this go around ... heading to Cedar Rapids tomorrow for two days. The company I work for has a customer in that neck of the woods that I am expanding their Cisco VoIP Telephony infrastructure at a satellite office. Should be ok ... I have done most of the pre-configuration remotely over the past week and a half, so pray for me that the rest goes without problems.

On a music note I have been really enjoying Jason Upton, Kim Walker, and the worship team from IHOP in Kansas City. Podcast wise ... Mike Bickle and his Encountering Jesus sessions ( have been BLOWING my mind. And Im only on session 4 of 12, but I need to stop listening and catch up with Manda since we are trying to experience that togethor. Lets see ... anything else Im listening to is oldie but goodie. :)

Jesus bless you and your family!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Flesh wrestling ...

Fasting ... so the new church that Manda and I were so graciously called to some six months ago are initiating a 21 day prayer and fast session starting today(correction by my lovely wife - Jan 3rd). This was announced a couple months ago I think and I have really been thinking about partaking in this excercise to not only experience what miracles and blessings God has in store for me but also my wife and kids.

I have heard and read about the term fasting before but never understood how powerful it can be in your walk and relationship with Christ. My grandparents(Miller side of family) practiced a sort of fasting/peace every Sunday. My grandfather Ralph Stanley passed away this spring after a battle with cancer that lasted (that we knew about) for just around three years. My grandpa has to be the most humble and amazing man I have known ... granted Im sure he had his faults, not entirely his doing but the impartation of his generation of which I hold no condemnation. He and grandma where pretty serious about this fasting business. I remember as a kid trying to get them to fix me something to eat Sunday afternoons/evenings when I was spending the night and it was a no go. I thought they where crazy then. :)

So back to this fasting thing ... I have been thinking about what I would give up. The extreme of course is no food, which is doable (not by me of course, but the power of the Holy Spirit), no video games/movies/entertainment/etc. (again only doable by the conviction and power of the Spirit), oh sugar ... anything I deny myself is going to be tough, but only doable by bending my mind, heart, and ear to the speaking of the Holy Spirit.

Case in point this afternoon (I digress) ... now the past year or so has been filled with some huge changes for me and all for the better, BUT and that is a enormous, insurmountable BUT, there are a vast ocean of changes left and I realize that whole heartedly. First major change was in how I spent my "personal/alone" time. Prior to spring 2008 I sunk it into video games online ... part of me ashamed at how much time I invested into the more popular PC games out right now (World of Warcraft). There were weeks I would play twenty to thirty hours a week (Oh sweet saviour Jesus thank you for delivering me from that) I read that over and think ... thats a part time job on top of a full time job, struggeling at being a husband, father, friend, son, etc ... That deliverance happened last spring (2008) of which I am most thankful for. The second was direction to our new church (Heartland Assembly) which I believe is the spring board for me and my family into a deeper and more amazing relationship with our saviour.

OK so to this afternoon ... Im trying to figure out how Im being led in this fast ... Ive been ill the past couple days so not feeling the greatest. Have been preparing my body this week to cut a major portion of food out of my diet if not all. I really want to experience what God wants me to. Get up this afternoon around 2pm (was supposed to go to my niese's birthday party but felt like roadkill) took a shower, sat down on the couch and really wrestled with what I would do with the afternoon. Pop on the XBOX and play a bit? No Chad ... no video games, listen to some worship music or Dan Mohler/Bill Johnson? That didnt sound right either. Popped on the XBOX ... grrr defeat ... fiddled around for about an hour thinking to myself(or being spoken to) your wasting your time ... you cant get it back. Shut the idiot box off and went to the kitchen. Contemplated eating leftover chinese from new years eve "party" with Manda and the kids or drinking a protien shake(my decision for some sort of something my stomach could be tricked into thinking it was being fed), turned to the chinese. Had an egg roll and five bites of garlic chicken only to throw the rest away that I had on my plate.

Told myself enough ... get in the living room and pray. So there I was ... walking around our living room looking for something to do ... contemplated two books - Gods Generals and Prayer and Fasting, both where addressed in my head with large NO's. I said ok God ... what then ... IMMEDIATELY popped in my "get my book and read Phillipians 3". I was like OK ... like other times before I have thought of scripture references thinking it was an answer to the current struggle and opened it to find absolutely no relevance to what I was dealing with.

Check this out though ... Phillipians 3 ... highlight #1 for the chapter
No Confidence in the Flesh ... I actually started to shake ... are you kidding me???!!?? This is freaking AWESOME I thought, I immediately thanked God for what he was showing me. Highlight #2 ??? Pressing on Toward the Goal ... HAHAHA! I loved it ... I think my favorite part of the passage is the last verse .. 21 ... it reads

who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will trasform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

Phillipians 3 will definately be my favorite passage of scripture. Until the next outpouring of wisdom happens.

Thank you Jesus ... I love you